Monday 17 March 2014

Much Ado about hair... Revisited!

Firstly, the Black Diamond Series has been up and running for a year! Yay! We celebrate all the little stuff. Nothing like red velvet cupcakes baked by yours truly to toast to a year of a dream fulfilled. Note I am still trying to sort out the technical issues *covers head in shame at the shocking level of my procrastination*  

Secondly, I have been avoiding talking too much about my hair, purely because it’s just hair, it doesn’t count for much in the grand scheme of real life. It pales dismally in comparison to things like good health, family, love and real and true joy. Well at least that’s the approach I am taking when it comes to my own hair and how I view hair in general.

I have been met with all kinds of reactions to my “new look”, people either love it or they don’t. I have had all kinds of comments thus far from positive ones like “you have that good hair” or “this look suits you” to negative comments such as “ooh you went natural, you’re so brave” to “Oooh I sympathise, I know what you are going through” all this said while sympathetic fingers unwelcomingly rummage their way through my curls and coils! My personal favourite, “You are trying to be Lupita Nyongo’o!!!”
I generally choose not to react to any of the comments about my hair, I always say thank you politely when complimented or ignore if someone says something negative. It really irks me though when I get sympathetic looks that almost suggest that the beholder of my unkempt bush is questioning why I would do a crazy thing like cut my long relaxed locks or why I would willingly chose to give up weaves… it takes a lot of willpower not to be rude or catty and tell such people off.
Another thing that gets my blood going is when people think they know me or what my personality is like by virtue of my hair, I am finding more and more that people think it’s strange that I listen to mind-numbingly shallow Hip Hop or that Bassline in Newtown is not my hangout spot of choice. I get the feeling that people expect me to be some really poetic Soul Sistah, who listens to the Roots and reads every Alex Haley book I can lay my hands on. Can I just be bold as to say that my hair and the type of music I listen to or what I read have no correlation! Is the assumption that when I had a weave down to my back that I somehow could not possibly be interested in certain things that only natural haired women would be interested in? I actually listened to the roots and read Alex Haley’s the Roots when my hair was very relaxed or weaved so that whole notion bears no weight!
I have to tell you I love my hair the way it is right now, when I had HEALTHY relaxed hair I loved my hair then too but I do agree that my natural hair suits me more. In terms of being brave for cutting my hair, yes some courage had to be exercised because I had never cut my hair so dramatically in my life and like any woman I was anxious about how it would turn out.

The main reason I chose to cut my hair was because I had gotten so used to having my hair in weaves or some sort of style that I was no longer used to my own real hair, I didn’t feel good about my hair or about myself when wearing my hair out, I didn’t appreciate my hair anymore.  It didn’t help that my hair had suffered considerable damage and was very weak and brittle. I got sick of googling weave styles and recreating weave looks I had seen on celebs. I got tired of investigating whether the hair I was being sold was authentic Brazillian or not. I got tired of having my hairline suffer at the mercy of a stocking cap while my cropped-do stayed perfectly intact!
Cutting my hair wasn’t a decision I made on a whim, I did my research and I gave it some thought. However, cutting my hair was not some form of political or feminist statement, it is by no means a declaration of who I am, in the same vain as when I used to wear a weave. Cutting my hair was simply a matter of me exercising a personal choice. That’s the beauty of living in a democratic society, we get to choose! I don’t have any ill-feelings towards women who wear weaves or relaxed her or dreadlocks and I would never try to shove any natural hair propaganda down anyone’s throat. We are all free to choose what we do with our hair and free to wear it in any way we want. This was just me making a personal choice, that’s all really!
So the next time you gaze in bewilderment at someone with a head full of kinky, curly coils, rather save your sympathy for a more deserving cause.


Winter must haves

#Howdoyousolveaproblemlikebelinda the reason for the lack of posts lately is purely based on third world issues! Connectivity! I haven't been able to get into my Blogger profile... firstly because I can't access the Blogger site at my job because lo and behold I actually have to work, secondly the wifi thing at our house is just not happening. But I'm hopeful and in the interim I will try out this Blogger app for android and see how that works out.

Over the last few weeks I had so many posts swimming in my head hopefully I will remember some of them... strike while the iron is hot they say.

As winter creeps it's head back into the Southern hemisphere I'm always excited because my birthday falls in winter and of course I love winter style. So here's my guide to winter 2014.

Chunky knitwear, oversized coats, utility jackets, sequins, miniskirts, distressed denim, boyfriend jeans and varsity jackets.

Friday 7 February 2014

Gladiators in Suits

So I finally started watching Scandal (the Fixer on South African screens)... so late, I know. I am always late when it comes to series, partly because I am as stubborn as a mule and I hate getting into things because thats what everybody else is doing. So I usually resist the urge to go with the crowd and I can proudly say I have not read nor intend to read Fifty Shades of Grey.

Anway, so I totally love that show and I am all in it, that and Being Mary Jane. I love the fashion in that show and Olivia Pope makes me want to grab my old wide leg pants I discarded for slimmer fit. However the style darling in that show for me is Mr Harrison Wright, played by Columbus Short.

I love the cut of his suits,his bold print on print palette, the use of soft colours like pink and lavendar against the deep greys and dont get me started on the suspenders *swoon*

He makes it seem so effortless, dear future husband, you have officially received the memo when it comes to work attire! This post was inspired by my buddy Kea Modingwana whose style is oh so very Harrison Wright, paisley ties and all!


A brand new kind of me

Hi loves

I know its been a long while since I posted anything of sense and I am really sorry, I will try to reign in my hiatuses and keep them minimal. So a couple of things have changed since my last post.

I finally cut my hair and I am now sporting a teeny weeny afro.

I also started my new job on Monday, excitement does not even begin to describe how I feel. I finally said goodbye to long endless nights of photocopying, wading through agreements that I barely understand, running around preparing transaction bundles or bundles for counsel.

I work at a bank which means I get to ease up on my oh-so-serious lawyer uniform of black and white... although most people I worked with will tell you I was never really good at sticking to that conservative palette. So I was inspired to post a follow up on office appropriate wear bearing in mind that I now have a little more room for creativity.

This was more of an exercise for myself because I bought a whole bunch of stuff from Mango and then I was like how do I actually put these clothes together. FYI Red lipstick is going to be a regular feature in my style posts, you have been warned!


Wednesday 15 January 2014

Under Construction

Hi everybody

The Black Diamond Series is currently undergoing some maintenance and revamping, please bear with me while I get it together...