Wednesday 13 April 2016

Walking on sunshine

Hello everybody

I hate to admit it but Summer has left the building. My bid to hold on to shorts and sandals weather is futile. But with that said... its not quite tights and boots weather just yet! I can't help but throw shade like a palm tree when I see people in coats... June and July are coming, just hang tight! 

My style is all about comfort lately so I live in slouchy t-shirts and jeans, actually I lie, mostly leggings. I am still a firm believer that leggings are most definitely pants. I bought these distressed jeans years ago from my beloved Primark on a trip to see my sister and they are still my go to pair of jeans.

This hat was also the perfect way to cover up a bad hair day. My braids are so tired and I literally couldn't be bothered to uninstall them. Between running and yoga convenience prevailed over beauty lol! Besides ain't nobody checking for your hair when you are wearing a bright yellow floppy hat! 

The details of my outfit are below

Hat and necklace  -  Envy
T-shirt  -  Cotton On
Jeans  -  Primark (My beloved)
Shoes  -  Forever New

In spite of all the hateration I was giving about people flexing their winter clothes prematurely... the point I am trying to make is lets enjoy what's left of this warmer weather. Winter will get here and we will long for this warmth. Make the most of what you have before its gone!
