Wednesday 25 May 2016

All the Autumn Leaves


Hello loves

So two things have happened since my last post, firstly, I am down with a tummy bug so ain't nothing cute about me right now! Secondly after running my mouth about how it wasn't cold enough for boots and coats, Mother Nature has silenced me and it's getting pretty cold! You now have my full permission to wear whatever you want and I promise not to judge you.


I really have no cause to complain about the weather right now because Winter always reminds me of my birthday so I'm always in a celebratory mood. This year it's a big birthday for me... I'm turning 30! For the longest time that number scared the hell out of me but this whole year I have had such a change of heart and I am actually so excited for my birthday and to enter into a new decade. I have been telling people I am 30 since like the beginning of March!!!



I think my overall feelings about getting older are those of gratitude. I'm grateful for literally everything. Life and all the lessons it has taught me about love, relationship, family, friendship, failure, success, fear and courage. Everyone keeps laughing at me when I say I feel like I'm coming out of my cocoon and learning to spread my wings like a butterfly. I am all about Mariah Carey moments so indulge me please! 



Anyway enough musing about my upcoming birthday, more about this look. I wanted to try a monochrome look and when the shoot was wrapped one of my buddy's was like "wait, isn't this the same dress from your last post?" For anyone else who thought the same thing, no this is most definitely not that same dress!!!



The outfit details are below:

Coat - Superbalist (Jacqueline de Yong)
Dress - Romwe
Shoes - Schutz
Earrings - H&M


To all the other June bug and Gemini babies like me, happy birthday month!!! Lap up every ounce of joy and laughter that you can.
