Tuesday 6 September 2016

And it was called Yellow


Hello everybody 

Work has been quite hectic for Ofentse and I so between shooting, post production edits and actual putting this post together, things have been a bit crazy. But it's here finally! 


I am so delighted Spring is upon us, I was particularly looking forward to this Spring because Winter was such a period of growth for me. I felt the full effects of shedding the old to make way for the new and tried as best as I could to really embrace that period. The idea is to bring that same energy into this new Season. Revel in all the good and bask in gratitude. 


During this time of the year, most people are on a mission to Spring clean and get rid of the clutter in their lives both literally and figuratively. It can be anything from getting rid of items of clothing you no longer wear, to getting rid of apps on your phone that you haven't used in ages. 


For me, Spring decluttering has been more internal and emotionally geared. Letting go of hurt from failed relationships, letting go of disappointments and expectations. I even had to let go of an apartment I was looking to buy  which I had totally invested in emotionally. I loved this place and I went wild on Pinterest planning how I was going to decorate the place and just fill it with awesomeness. But it was just not meant to be. That's just how life is sometimes.


The lesson I have learned about decluttering is that there must be some sort of closure and consciousness around it. I have always taken "closure" for granted and I have never actively sought closure, often leaving things unresolved. Not no more! There is something so powerful and freeing about looking at something that once caused you heartache with new, refreshed eyes and looking beyond at the good that came out of that situation. 


This Spring I will be going on a few road trips which I am looking forward to, including a Yoga retreat in Mpumalanga and a trip to my hometown Mthatha, in the Eastern Cape Very excited about that, look out for all my adventures on Insta Stories and Snap Chat. 


Back to the look, I was feeling super inspired by how pretty everything looks with buds and flowers blossoming everywhere, the trees all bearing new bright green leaves. Love it! I also took inspiration from my friend Yongie who is tired of my concrete jungle backgrounds, in particular the Norton Rose Fulbright building! 


Special mention goes out to my beloved friend Busi Ncube for making magic with her makeup skills. Hit me up on Instagram for he deets. Also can I just take a minute to give praise to Ofentse for taking such gorgeous pictures! My team good, we don't even need a mascot! 



Dress  -  AX Paris (Superbalist)
Shoes  -  Steve Madden 



Have an awesome start to the new season, happy decluttering, love and positive vibes only!
