Thursday 24 November 2016

Higher Ground



It's December, hooray! With only a few weeks left of 2016, like most people, I have been trying to take stock of this year and look back at all the highs and lows. This was a challenging year for a lot of people, with everything from the loss of legends like Prince and David Bowie to Brexit and Trump winning the US presidential elections. 

I had my share of ups and downs in 2016. Without going into too much detail one of my lowest lows this year was having to go through a very tough break up. Ironically there is nothing in this world that brings more confusion and perspective in your life than a broken heart. On the flip side one of my highest highs this year was the purchase of my very first home. It has to be one of the scariest yet liberating things I have ever done, I feel like a grown up now! In as much as 2016 had its challenges and victories, I can't tell you enough how actively taking the time out to reflect on both good and bad saved me. 



Breathing life back into my blog was also a winning moment for me this year. I started the Black Diamond Series three years ago with no direction and no clue as to what exactly it's purpose was. Life happened and I fell off the blogging wagon for over a year. It pained me for the longest time to see my little project lifeless and barren. 

Reigniting my passion for my blog was a bit scary because I was plagued by imposter syndrome. I kept thinking what if I have lost my following, nobody really reads blogs anymore, what if people think my style ain't ish! In spite of all the self doubt I gave it another shot and I have had a wonderful reception back into the blogosphere and I have been able to reach more people than ever before. Most importantly I feel so privileged to be able to share a small piece of myself with the world through my thoughts and style inspiration. 



I attended the inaugural Stylista Blogger event a couple of weeks ago and it was just so awesome to be in a room with all these incredible bloggers that I look up to. One thing that stood out to me at the event that served as an affirmation was that there is a space for all of us. Each and every blogger had their own unique style and approach which was so refreshing. Shout out to Nkgabi of Diary of a Rad Black Woman and Delicia of Ugandan South African, you both are such incredible beings, I'm totally inspired! 

I have to give thanks to a couple of people who made my blogging experience pure magic this year. Thank you Ofentse for bringing my vision to life through your awesome photography, thank you also for putting up with my madness, my potty mouth and for never judging me (also for being a champ whenever I played the Lemonade album in my car). Thank you to Busi for making sure that I never ever have to do my own makeup for shoots again, you are a master and I can't wait for the world to recognize your talent. Thank you to my big sister Yvonne for always commenting on all my posts lol, family over everything! 




Ok so I know this is has quickly turned into the "thank you's" at the back of a music album sleeve, but I really would like to thank each and every one of you who has  visited the blog, dropped comments, liked my posts on social media, featured me on their pages, your support means so much to me. Ok I'm done 😊

Here are the outfit details:

Dress  -  Daily Friday (Superbalist)
Shoes  -  Glamorous (Superbalist)
Necklace  -  Aldo
Earrings  -  Lovisa



Just as a side note, it's been such a mission to explain the whole concept of me being a fashion blogger to my parents, in their minds I am now a "modeller"! 😂

Share some of your 2016 highs and lows with me by dropping me a comment on the blog or on Instagram. If you take nothing else out of this post, please just remember to never give up on yourself and your dreams. 

Happy holidays! 



Sunday 6 November 2016

Cranes In The Sky


Hello beautiful people

I have to be dead honest... the US Election results have shaken me to my core. I'm totally in shock that someone like that, having said and done the things he has, will now be at the helm of "the greatest country in the world". Words fail me. 



Had to get the tough news out of the way! In putting this post together I went through a few drafts. I didn't like the direction the post was going because I was moaning and complaining about a whole host of things... I'm pretty good at whining! Something about body image and just being tired.

However in the wake of what is happening in the world right now I think now more than ever, in the times of State Capture, Reality TV Star bigots winning the White House and ratings downgrade, taking on a positive approach is the only way to survive. It seems to be the only way to be.



In moments like these we just have to hold on to all the good things and if you look inward there are plenty of good things to not only acknowledge but to be grateful for. We have to look to the things that inspire us and drive us and channel our energies towards that. I also think now more than ever, we need to stop being spectators in society but to take active steps, no matter how small, to change things for the better.

Without making this post completely politically geared, I have to say Hillary Clinton's concession speech was incredible. I posted an excerpt on my Instagram page but I want to post it here for someone who may be feeling lost as a woman... 

..."And to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and to achieve your own dreams."...



In the face of defeat her words give me courage and remind me to keep going in spite of the obstacles ahead.

Back to the clothes right? On this day I was fah-heeling myself as you can see from the big smile on my face and all that sass! And for some reason my left hand just couldn't stay off my left hip! Here are the outfit details below.




T-shirt  -  Cotton On
Skirt  -  H&M
Heels  -  Zoom 
Necklace  -  Mr Price 
Earrings  -  H&M

Makeup done by my beloved Busi 😘 @Pumelo_makeup 

I know this was a somber post but do not lose heart!
