Sunday 4 January 2015

A journey of a thousand miles

Firstly, happy new year everyone, hope the year has got off to great start for all of you. I am really positive about 2015 for a whole lot of reasons.

Secondly, I know last year was a total bust for me when it came to blogging. I made a whole bunch of excuses even resorting to blaming technology for the lack of content. Well I'm not going to make any excuses this time but I will be honest in saying that I lost my motivation to blog last year. I just struggled to talk about shoes and clothes when there are so many real issues happening in my community, let alone the world. Call it a crisis of conscience if you will.

I was involved in a lot of corporate social initiatives at work last year and my eyes were opened to some serious issues. Scary illiteracy numbers in my community, choicelessness amongst teenagers and a very poor understanding of legal rights among far too many within the country.

I found myself rolling my eyes at the posts of some of the elite fashion bloggers, questioning why they even bothered to have any actual text. In light of the shallowness of the content, they may as well have just posted pictures!

As the year went by I kept bumping into people who would ask me why I wasn't blogging anymore. I would often give wishy washy excuses as to why but I was so taken aback that people were actually reading my little blog. It surprised me and also touched me.

At some point I even considered shutting down the Black Diamond Series. I kept debating with myself whether to even continue blogging. I thought of all the hard work my friend Simba put in to help me out with the layout and all the technical stuff that was beyond my understanding... Thanks a mill Simba! I figured I owe it to him, myself and all the people who actually took the time to visit the blog to try once more.

So here we are,  the blog may take a few different directions this year contentwise and God forbid I may blog about something else other than clothes and shoes. Brace yourselves...

I re-commit to the Black Diamond Series and I ask that you continue to kick me in the butt when I get distracted and fall off the wagon!



  1. well done on coming back... persistence is key...its not always about how you feel but about what needs to be done and keeping the promises you make to yourself because the person you wnat to always be in check with is yourself.
